Proble bei Mapi Zugriff auf Outlook Express

  • VB6

Es gibt 1 Antwort in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Marcus Gräfe.

    Proble bei Mapi Zugriff auf Outlook Express

    Weiß jemand warum das hier nicht funktioniert

    Als Fehlermeldung kommt: "Either there is no default mail client or the default mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request.
    Please run microsoft outlook and set it as the default mail client."

    Dim MAPIEng As New MapiEngine
    Dim mf As MapiFile
    Dim mr(0) As MapiRecip
    Dim session As Long
    Dim mm As MAPIMessage
    Dim file() As MapiFile

    mr(0).Address = ""
    mr(0).Name = "Lisp"
    mr(0).EIDSize = 3
    mr(0).EntryID = 100
    mr(0).Reserved = 0

    mm.Reserved = 0
    mm.MessageType = ""
    mm.Flags = 100
    mm.Subject = "This is the subject"
    mm.FileCount = 0
    mm.NoteText = "This is Note Text"
    mm.RecipCount = 1

    MAPIEng.LogOn 0, "myemailboxname", "myemailboxpassword", 1, 0, session

    'Blows Up Here
    MsgBox MAPIEng.SendMail(session, 0, mm, mr, file, 0, 0)

    MAPIEng.LogOff session, 0, 1, 0
