Ovoxo schrieb:
Kundennummer Internet
Keine Leerzeichen in Spaltennamen
Zur Verbesserung der Lesbarkeit würde ich mir an deiner Stelle angewöhnen "SELECT", "FROM" usw in Großbuchstaben zu schreiben (So wie du es bei BETWEEN und AND schon gemacht hast).
There is no CLOUD - just other people's computers
Q: Why do JAVA developers wear glasses?
A: Because they can't C#
Daily prayer:
"Dear Lord, grand me the strength not to kill any stupid people today and please grant me the ability to punch them in the face over standard TCP/IP."
Q: Why do JAVA developers wear glasses?
A: Because they can't C#
Daily prayer:
"Dear Lord, grand me the strength not to kill any stupid people today and please grant me the ability to punch them in the face over standard TCP/IP."