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    So, nach langer Flaute auch mal wieder was von mir:

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    Sie haben diese E-Mail erhalten, weil wir gute Gründe zu glauben, dass Ihre VISA-Kreditkarte hatte kürzlich
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    Link 3d Secure : <Zensiert, trotz Visa-Server, man weiß ja nie>

    So. Es sind mir einige kuriose Dinge aufgefallen:
    - Ich hab keine Visa Karte
    - Grammatik ist naja... lest selbst ^^

    Ich nehme nun Bezug auf die neueste (oder wars die vorletzte? - egal) c't:
    - Keine personalisierte Anrede
    - Immerhin richtig codierte Umlaute, wow
    Und genau wie dort beschrieben:
    - Der Link führt keineswegs dorthin wo der Titel vermuten lassen würde, sondern zu einem ganz anderem Server (Kryptische URL).
    MouseOver rettet den Tag!
    OMG :D
    welcher Mongo war das den :)
    Da sind mehr Rechtschreibfehler drin als ich in einer Woche schreiben kann :D :D
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    Ich habe immer wenn ich ein Päckchen an meine Ex-Freundin nach Argentinien geschickt habe ungefähr drei - vier Wochen später (also in etwa genau dann wenn das Päckchen eigentlich ankommen sollte oder dort am Zoll sein sollte) eine Email von FedEx bekommen in der stand dass das Paket nicht zugestellt werden konnte und im Anhang war irgend eine .exe :D

    Die Rechtschreibung hier war ziemlich gut, aber die Mail war komplett in Englisch was ich aber bei einem Versand nach Argentinien auch noch nachvollziehen kann. Die Emailadresse war definitiv fake (weiß leider nicht wer welche das war).
    Und das größte Merkmal wieso es Spam war, ich habe nie mit FedEx verschickt :D Und die Päckchen kamen meistens eine Woche später an :D

    So, die Typen geben sich immer weniger Mühe -.-
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    Ich habe ein Investment-Portfolio, das Geld in meiner Bank in China, die ich leicht mit Ihnen als Empfдnger ьbertragen kцnnen hinterlegt beinhaltet. Die Transaktion ist ohne Risiko, weil es strategisch geplant worden, um erfolgreich abzuschlieЯen.

    Kontaktieren Sie mich auf meiner E-Mail-Adresse unten fьr mehr Details.

    Mit freundlichen GrьЯen,

    Li Xiung
    E-Mail: <zensiert>

    Auch hier wieder die seltsamen Umlaute und der offensichtliche Beschiss.
    Spam obviously
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    Profit Code Team

    Ihr habt nen Auftrag erhalten?Wow... ich bin begeistert, über ganze 26$? geile Sache man!

    More Spam

    Absender : Kevin Chen (bzw. wenn man glaubt, dass das vllt ein Chinese ist, Chen Kevin, also C.K.)
    Es tut mir leid, um Ihre Privatsphäre auf diese Weise stören. Es gibt Eine gewisse verstorbenen Kunden von meiner Bank, die hinter US $ 18 Millionen übrig. Ich suche Ihre Partnerschaft in Empfang dieses Fonds. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, sofort zu antworten für detaillierte Informationen.

    ich erhalte also eine E-mail von C.K., der sich mit C.I. abkürtzt? interessant^^
    Und ja, wo der das hat übersetzen lassen sieht man ja.
    dann kannst du jetzt ja noch mehr spaß haben :)
    du bist grade offiziel in einem einer spam liste von einem BotNet gelandet :)
    meine Mutter hat auch spaß damit. Sie kriegt täglich circa 10 mails von einem Server namens 1212.com :)
    (alles Random nummer ( 3 Bustaben betreff und Inhalt, Die Email ist Random mit Namenund nachnamen zusammen gewürfelt)
    einfach in Spammfilter den server 1212.com Sperren.

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    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von „BlackNetworkBit“ ()

    Netter Spam:
    Betreff: Lololololol
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    Anhang: Lololololol.pdf, Lololololol.exe
    Sehr einfallsreich xD
    Edit: Nochwas
    Extreme SPAM!!!!!!!!

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    Sehr geehrter Herr James Jalala,

    Es wurde ein Fremdzugriff auf Ihrem PayPal Konto festgestellt. Daher haben wir Ihr Konto vorübergehend eingeschränkt. Sie können Ihr Konto nach einer abgeschlossenen Verifikation wieder in vollem Umfang nutzen.
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    1.) James Jalala?!
    2.) Ich hab nichtmal PayPal xD

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von „CC-Apps“ ()

    Diese neureichen Chinesen :D

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    Guten Tag,

    Dies ist das dritte Mal schreibe ich euch bin diese E-Mail, Mein Name Dr. Hu Zuliu Fred ist, arbeite ich mit Hang Seng Bank in Hong Kong.I brauchen Ihre Hilfe beim Erledigen einer Transaktion im Wert von 15,5 Mio. USD I wollen 30% der gesamten Mittel als Ausgleich für Ihre Unterstützung zu geben.
    Ich werde Sie über die vollständige Transaktion benachrichtigt nach Eingang Ihrer Antwort, wenn interessiert, und ich werde Ihnen die Details. Sollten Sie Interesse?
    Bitte senden Sie mir: Email:<NOPENOPENOPE>
    1.Full Namen
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    3.Current Wohnadresse

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Dr. Hu Zuliu Fred.

    Meine Güte, das ist sogar für Google Übersetzter zu schlecht.
    Hab noch was gefunden:

    Sehr geehrter Herr James Jalala,
    im Rahmen unserer aktuellen Sicherheitsprüfungen haben wir bezüglich Ihres PayPal-Kontos einige Unstimmigkeiten entdeckt. Um alle Unstimmigkeiten zu klären, ist es nötig Sie als eindeutigen Inhaber zu ermitteln.
    Wie geht es jetzt weiter?
    Bitte klicken Sie auf "Konfliktlösungen". Dort ist ganz genau beschrieben, weshalb wir diese Prüfung durchführen und welche Informationen wir von Ihnen benötigen.
    Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Mithilfe in dieser Angelegenheit

    Woher haben die meine Mail?!?

    StarGate01 schrieb:

    I brauchen Ihre Hilfe beim Erledigen einer Transaktion im Wert von 15,5 Mio. USD I wollen 30% der gesamten Mittel als Ausgleich für Ihre Unterstützung zu geben.

    I brauchen, ... I wollen...
    You nix bekommen!!!
    naja eigentlich sind das ja phishing-mails aber die sind so schlecht das man das eigendlich schon als Spamm sehen könnte :D
    MFG 0x426c61636b4e6574776f726b426974
    InOffical VB-Paradise IRC-Server
    Channel : ##vbparadise
    so nun hab ich mal ne echt verwirrwende Mail bekommen, von einer @outlook.com adresse
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    Die Anzahl von Stellenangeboten ist begrenzt, darum melde Dich schnellstmöglich bei uns.

    und drunter war dann das:
    Teil 2. Hab ich mir nicht durchgelesen
    Epson Pano Awards 2013 Winners. Through a lens brightly: Some of us are obsessed with obsolete old film cameras. The Sockeye Run to the Naknek Kvichak District Came in 32-Percent Below the . Mirena Lawsuit Update: Bernstein Liebhard LLP Reports on Growing Number of . The Evil Within runs through darkened hallways at TGS 2013. The Evil Within runs through darkened hallways at TGS 2013. Darlington couple collects eyeglasses to help African country. City To Focus Federal Dollars On Deterring Crime, Blight. Senior Engineer -Systems (SMTS). Photographer empowers women through mermaid portraits. Snecma Advances Open-Rotor Wind-Tunnel Tests. UT Austin Researchers Devise (Really) Cheap Hospital-grade Lightweight . BIZ BRIEF: Yaskawa in partnership with exoskeleton start-up Argo Medical. PICTURE: Chelsea's Fernando Torres has an Alan Partridge moment. A Modus CT2, which was used to dig subsea trenches for the Teesside Wind Farm. Juan Mata defends Fernando Torres over red card at Spurs. Managing the culture shock of growing a successful business. Robo-mate exoskeleton under development in Europe. Community rallies around Tuscaloosa teen injured in wreck. Philadelphia Raises Stakes With Plan to Reverse Blight. First Blood Update mit lokalem Modus am Montag. Manchester United have problems EVERYWHERE says David Moyes after . The embarrassingly bad delivery. Exoskeletons on the march. Shock and Thor: an epic trail along the Norwegian coast. Beats Gets Infusion of Capital From Carlyle Group. Junya Watanabe Spring Summer 2014 Show Report: Fringe Benefits. Rush Is a Sleekly Assembled Thrill Machine. Design collective Rotor ventures 'Behind the Green Door' at the Oslo . Sotheby's London to offer a collection of works from the London gallery of . Chris Froome and Geraint Thomas express shock at suspect Jonathan Tiernan . Man Injured by Helicopter at Bloomsburg Fair. Meganebu Eyeglasses Club Anime's Promo With Animation Streamed. Idaho poised to open new sockeye salmon hatchery. Police find new modus operandi for e-bank fraud. New Zealand up for final Rugby Championship showdown with South Africa. New modus operandi of Mewat region conmen: Call the victims and kidnap them. The Merchant of Venice may be a greater incitement to anti-Semitism than the . Slight warming in OC after morning clouds. Homescreen-Story: Andreas zeigt seine (Schokoladen-)Seiten. Digital Photography Expert to Choose 3 Winners to Receive 1-Hour Consultation . FBI: Surveillance video shows Navy Yard gunman prowling hallways. BlackBerry bid? Contrarian bets are Canadian Warren Buffett's modus operandi. Real Nigga? Wassup?: Why Drake's frustration with the rap game is holding . Ex-Rangers owner forced to read shock letter in court. New Zealand to Face South Africa in Rugby Championship Final. The Evil Within runs through darkened hallways at TGS 2013. Junior Wells May Have Been The Godfather Of Pimp Style. Exoskeleton research proves mind over matter. Colorectal Cancer Screening Works. Mira Schendel review. Why Didn't ETs, Or Self Replicating Machines, Colonize Our Solar System . Applications Engineer. Outdoors: Prepare now for the Zeitgeist Half Marathon. Torres was a disgrace but I sense the hand of Jose in this cowardly assault. 12 car bombs explode across Baghdad during rush hour; 33 killed. Bloomsburg Fair helicopter pilot dies after being struck by rotor. Meganebu Eyeglasses Club Anime's Promo With Animation Streamed. PAUL: The devastating collateral damage of an insidious drug-war weapon. Shop online for big savings on eyeglasses. Morning clouds, modest temperatures as marine layer returns. Love child: Michael Kors romances his audience with classic collection. 7 places to see big game. Sony's $4500 FDR-AX1 Handycam puts 4K recording in the grasp of prosumers . New Zealand up for final Rugby Championship showdown with South Africa. European researchers envision wearable exoskeleton for factory workers. BCCI remains silent on India's tour of South Africa. Juan Mata defends Fernando Torres over red card at Spurs. Inquirer Editorial: Chronic blight fuels collapses. Junya Watanabe Spring Summer 2014 Show Report: Fringe Benefits. How the Asylum Jam is giving horror a much needed shock to the heart. Fredrick Nwabufo: Nigeria's 'owambe' culture. Newcomers UCD give Lansdowne early shock. Sockeye Salmon Sushi: Use a Geiger Counter. Philadelphia Raises Stakes With Plan to Reverse Blight. European researchers envision wearable exoskeleton for factory workers. My Modus Operandi; Potential Outcomes: Best of Kass. Along the Superior Hiking Trail. Philanthropy aside, Africa requires safety, security before it can thrive. Truworths slows drive to tap Africa's growing consumer culture. Manchester United have problems EVERYWHERE says David Moyes after . Rand Extends Longest Losing Run in 12 Years: South Africa Credit. Special guests announced for The B2B Lab #2. From Sandy Hook tragedy, teacher hopes to sow seeds of kindness. Jose Mourinho calls Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen a cheat after . Let's Now Have a Tourism Master Plan. UN team returns to Syrian capital Damascus. New app lets you try on eyeglasses. Aquarium of Niagara's capital project kicks off with NYPA funds. Study: Magnetism helps salmon find home river. Parents of baby who had three heart attacks to raise cash for unit which saved . Sockeye hom in time for Horsefly salmon festival. Dynamic Duos: Burberry's Angela Ahrendts And Christopher Bailey On Trust, Soul. This 18-year-old invented an exoskeleton glove for the disabled. The Tilt Rotor Defense Against Chinese Invasion. Florida State Dominates Singles. Apo Killings - A Sad Reminiscences. Casa Grande Fire Log, 9/24/13. Pilot Dead After Being Struck By Helicopter Rotor. Another Big Oil Producer For Africa? Chad Hopes To Triple Crude Output By 2015. PL Diary: Oh Fernando. Silly Fernando.... South Africa trounce Australia to take Rugby Championship to final weekend. Kenya mall attack suspect White widow recced embassies in South Africa?. Treasury official to coordinate funds for blight fight as part of $320M in aid . Helicopter pilot walks into rotor at Pa. fair. New approach to road safety. Parks Foundation elects new board members. Multi-rotor aircraft on patrol mission in Chongqing. Junya Watanabe Spring Summer 2014 Show Report: Fringe Benefits. Outdoors: Prepare now for the Zeitgeist Half Marathon. Doyle McManus: Another Clinton campaign heading to your town?. Parks Foundation elects new board members. White House Offers Up $300 Million to Fix Detroit's Blight. The Exoskeletons Are Here Inventing Iron Man Update 3.0. Irrefutable Evidence That Fall in Death Rates from Colorectal Cancer Due to . From Sandy Hook tragedy, teacher hopes to sow seeds of kindness. Utah Mother Charged With Punishing Special Needs Children With Dog Shock . Michael Kors Doesn't Break a Sweat. Along the Superior Hiking Trail. Modal jazz Manis' modus operandi. Theatre review: Straight, Red Stitch Actors Theatre. Inquirer Editorial: Have you seen this man?. Why Didn't ETs, Or Self Replicating Machines, Colonize Our Solar System . Return of American white pelicans at Lee Metcalf refuge signals arrival of fall. Robbie Fowler forced to apologise after saying Fernando Torres and Jan . 7 places to see big game. Robotic exoskeleton upgrades will be on sale to the public by 2015. 5-Hour Energy returning to Clint Bowyer, Michael Waltrip Racing. Jose Mourinho slams 'pretending' Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen over . Here Are 10 Milestones That Have Shaped Google's Search Program. Shock, sadness greet death of Portmore mayor. Accomplished NBHS student gives tour of a typical day. Sparking inspiration with a genius in the PNB hallways. All Huskies, all the time: St. Cloud State launching 24-hour sports channel. WGMR 8% collateral haircut unlikely to apply to variation margin. Chelsea's Fernando Torres is back claims boss Jose Mourinho after Spurs draw. Gov. Brown signs bill to raise minimum wage to $10 an hour by 2016. Batman: Arkham Origins bevat extra moeilijke 'I am The Knight' modus. Heyward could be closer to return. Apo Killings - A Sad Reminiscences. Ouch Catty Fernando Torres 'scratches' Jan Vertonghen in feisty London derby. Bloomsburg Fair helicopter pilot dies after being struck by rotor. Rupee Heads for Best Month in a Year on Capital Inflow Optimism. Mirena Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Risk Subject of New Lawsuit. Parks Foundation elects new board members. Firm fined after court hears of Tay bridge workers' horrific injuries. At Gold Standard, upmarket items are perfect collateral. Exoskeleton research proves mind over matter. Helicopter pilot walks into rotor at Pa. fair. Pilot Dead After Being Struck By Helicopter Rotor. Jim Soto: Port Huron using the wrong strategy to eliminate blight. Somdev Devvarman qualifies for China Open, faces world No.31 Fernando . BYU linebacker Hadley suspended five contests. Lea Michele Sports Eyeglasses For Hollywood Office Meeting. Kozmo.com returns to lose money like it's 1999. 5-Hour Energy staying with Michael Waltrip Racing. Villa come from behind twice for shock City win. Longtime foes unite over water plan for Eastern Washington. Catching Fire Banner: The Most Photogenic Victors, Lined Up For Your . Special guests announced for The B2B Lab #2. The September Show: Inside the Creation of a Gallery's First Exhibit of the Season. Another Big Oil Producer For Africa? Chad Hopes To Triple Crude Output By 2015. Medical errors earn hospitals money who knew?. Breaking Amish star Lizzie has opened up about her family's shocking reaction . Calling all photogenic pets. Mortar shell falls near Chinese embassy in Syrian capital, no casualties. LEDs Offer Wavelengths from Deep UV to NIR. Goldfarb: Fishing can be a true harvest. Return of American white pelicans at Lee Metcalf refuge signals arrival of fall. Local banks turn to the market for additional capital. UT Austin Researchers Devise (Really) Cheap Hospital-grade Lightweight . Kenya makes 12th arrest for Nairobi mall attack. DrugRisk Update: Judge Sets Timetable as Mirena Lawsuits Increase. Cook to unleash wave of ear, nose, throat products. Eyeglasses makeover: It's about color, comfort, style. Do weekday mornings for mums include prepping for the school runway?. Philadelphia Raises Stakes With Plan to Reverse Blight. Five Eagles Still Stand After Day One at Bedford Cup. Kenya government faces questions over siege. Fujifilm announces fast f/1.4 23mm premium lens for X-series compact system . Morrison: doctors' fears about 48-hour asylum turnaround are unfounded. Neighbors want action, not blight. Coleman's untold story. Aishwarya Rai's daughter Aaradhya to Lara's daughter Saira: Most photogenic kids. Facebook Graph Search and what it can do for your business. DrugRisk Update: Judge Sets Timetable as Mirena Lawsuits Increase. Nawaz will decide time, modus operandi of Baradar's release on Sept 19. Highlights of Sen. Cruz's 21-Hour Speech. Idaho dedicates hatchery to wild sockeye revival. Bloomfield: Police blotter, Sept. 24. Bridget Jones fans in for a big shock in new book Mad About The Boy. Orders flood into euro zone factories. Seven government hospitals to get new equipment. Somdev Devvarman qualifies for China Open, faces world No.31 Fernando . Manchester United have problems EVERYWHERE says David Moyes after . Basketball tournament at St. Mary's in Edwardsville. Medical errors earn hospitals money who knew?. Esurance Picks Modus as Telematics Technology Provider. Sparking inspiration with a genius in the PNB hallways. Sony's $4500 FDR-AX1 Handycam puts 4K recording in the grasp of prosumers . New app lets you try on eyeglasses. Kite causes 4-hour outage on Treasure Island. Creating financial collateral. You are here: HomeBNY Mellon expands collateral services. Pilot Dies After Walking Into Helicopter Rotor at Fair. Robo-mate exoskeleton could eliminate threat of injury for industrial workers. Chelsea fans react on Twitter to Fernando Torres red card. Slight warming in OC after morning clouds. Michael Kors Doesn't Break a Sweat. The Shock of Recognizing Ourselves. Another Big Oil Producer For Africa? Chad Hopes To Triple Crude Output By 2015. Ventura Breakfast Lions Collect Used Eyeglasses. Ankle Walking Assist Device Helps You Get Around. Treasury official to coordinate funds for blight fight as part of $320M in aid . The Ubyssey's Vancouver International Film Festival reviews. Obamacare Rate Shock: All Hype?. Jose Mourinho slams Jan Vertonghen over Fernando Torres red card. Road spikes end 5-hour police chase. One foot on the brake in 'Rush' 1/2. 5-Hour Energy returning as Clint Bowyer, MWR sponsor in 2014. Bell to team with Lockheed Martin on V-280 tilt-rotor. 5-Hour Energy returning to Clint Bowyer, Michael Waltrip Racing. An hour-long fun programme in Visakhapatnam eyes Guinness record. From Sandy Hook tragedy, teacher hopes to sow seeds of kindness. Two arrested after undercover police see them using a phone app that mimics . Lea Michele Sports Eyeglasses For Hollywood Office Meeting. Breast Cancer Powerhouses Announce Groundbreaking Collaboration to . Orders flood into euro zone factories. Drug marketers don't always deliver a healthy message. Meganebu Eyeglasses Club Anime's Promo With Animation Streamed. Free eyeglasses for Mabolo school pupils. Boise beer notes: Gluten-free IPA, local seasonals and fresh hops. Bloomington once capital of 'aerial kingdom'. Jim Soto: Port Huron using the wrong strategy to eliminate blight. Free eyeglasses for Mabolo school pupils. South Africa: Jordaan, Mazibuko to contest SAFA presidency. Ruffino Modus 2010, Italy. Avondale residents unite against blight. Wood Group GTS awarded $3M South American rotor overhaul and parts supply. Hatchery workers corral sockeye salmon. Feds Offer Broke Detroit $100M to Fight Blight. Do weekday mornings for mums include prepping for the school runway?. Juan Mata and Fernando Torres Give Jose Mourinho Much to Ponder After . Chelsea claw their way back into contest before Fernando Torres sent off. Jose Mourinho slams Jan Vertonghen over Fernando Torres red card. Labor Board Sides With Firefighters, Against 24-Hour Shifts. Tim Minchin: 'I really don't like upsetting people'. Looking Outside: Michigan life sciences firms need out-of-state capital to grow. Epson Pano Awards 2013 Winners. At Gold Standard, upmarket items are perfect collateral. UT Austin Researchers Devise (Really) Cheap Hospital-grade Lightweight . BCCI remains silent on India's tour of South Africa. Milton Hershey explodes for 42 first half points, decks Capital foe Trinity. Students massacred in Nigeria attack. New modus operandi of Mewat region conmen: Call the victims and kidnap them. FAIR Examines Hannity's Long Record Of Bigotry Boosting. Bridget Jones is a single mum after death of Mark Darcy. Facebook Graph Search and what it can do for your business. Soccer: United, City both suffer shock losses. Mahr Federal Expands Application Center at Providence, RI, Headquarters. Shop online for big savings on eyeglasses. Stanbic offers SME loans without collateral. MSD's Unsecured Creditors Target Cash-Collateral Motion. In memoriam: Mitch Ruda, optical systems designer. Robot roams the the halls of M State in Detroit Lakes. The Single Best Article I Have Read on Syria. Dynamic Duos: Burberry's Angela Ahrendts And Christopher Bailey On Trust, Soul. Japanese Robots: Argo's ReWalk Exoskeleton Gets a Pile of Yaskawa Robot . Google Takes You Back to 1998. Google in 1998 Easter Egg Sends the Search Engine Back in Time 15 Years. Robot roams the the halls of M State in Detroit Lakes. December 16 gang-rape case: Accused adopted unique modus operandi, judge . Raise the minimum wage to $8. Accomplished NBHS student gives tour of a typical day. Rwanda rail project on track to bridge Africa's economic divide. New Zealand up for final Rugby Championship showdown with South Africa. Gunman and 12 Victims Killed in Shooting at DC Navy Yard. One foot on the brake in 'Rush' 1/2. UD Men's Tennis Players Pair Up for Doubles Championship.

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