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  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Trackbar Control

    aTsiri - - Sonstige Problemstellungen


    Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Trackbar control in einem Windows Form. Das Trackbar hat minValue=0 und maxValue=200 .Mein Problem ist , dass wenn ich das TickFrequency Property um 40 einsetze, dann mein Trackbar macht keine 40 Schritte sondern 1 beim hoch / runter bewegen. Ist das einen Bug?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    I can try to write in german , but its not my mother language. I am leaving in germany. so excuse me for my mistakes. Ich habe mein Fehler gefunden. Du hast recht Try.Parse returns a bollean so i ich habe mit CDbl(value) geändert und hat es funkioniert

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hello all, what am i doing wrong ?? i am reading a value from a combobox and try to parse the value to a double VB.NET-Quellcode (4 Zeilen) i receive as answer -1 Topic moved from Tipps&Tricks to Sonstige Problemstellungen ~VaporiZed

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Yes i have only one instance ok i will try it and i will let you know My prject is a cnc machine to control with a GUI Interface.The machine is connected via a microcontroller (RS232) with an USB Cable. My GUI hat buttons to control the movement of the cnc. A timer send every 100ms different commnds to interrogate different funktion of the machine, for example Status, Sensors signals, Position . So when i press a button to move an axis of the machine in one direction (x) i want the axis movement…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    do you mean that in my main Thread i can call Me.inputData = instringVB.NET-Quellcode (1 Zeile) an i would read the data from the Data_received method? i am confused! I have posted earlier i want to make a decesion if the instring has one specific value. for example VB.NET-Quellcode (11 Zeilen)

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Not exactly , i want to store the value in a string not to show it in a control can i do something like this : declare a string in my GUI VB.NET-Quellcode (1 Zeile) and then call it like this : VB.NET-Quellcode (1 Zeile) what do you think , could it work?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    @RodFromGermany Thank you very much for your quick answer .i have testet it today the code you suggested me and it worked wonderfully. I am facing thought one more problem: How can i store the string from Data_Received method VB.NET-Quellcode (3 Zeilen) in my main GUI (Windows Form Application) in a string and then edit this further. I will try to give an example: I am sending through a timer event tick a command to the controller SerialPort.write("?KI16;") when the DataReceived method fires ans…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    I will try tomorrow your suggestion. i hope finally i will find a solution for my problem I will keep in touch. thnx a lot

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    My microcontroller accept commands with a semicolon at hte end, for example RH100; and responds with an answer with a semicolon too RH=100; The problem is that some times the microcontroller need some time to answer a command and thats is what i want to achiev, to be sure that the first packet of commands were delivered and answered and then i can go to the next packet. The microcontroller accepts sychronous commands , those are aswered immediately and asychronous , which maybe they need some ti…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi, and how could i know that the first string of commnands that i sendet, has the Datareceived method complet answered ? thnx

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi all, i don't know if i can ask in english, though it is a german forum I have a device connected to the serial port of my PC. I use the serialPort component in order to communicate with the device. I have to send 2 different strings of data to the serial port but the trick is that after sending the first string of data I have to wait for the serial port to respond. Then I have to check the response and decide whether I must send the second string or not. Also after sending the second string, …