vernam chiffre

    • VB6

    Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von wersi77.

      vernam chiffre

      Public Function vernam_chiffre(original As String, skey As String) As String
      Dim i As Long
      Dim bCode As Byte
      Dim bKey As Byte
      Dim bResult As Byte

      vernam_chiffre = ""

      If Len(original) <> Len(skey) Then
      MsgBox "Text und Key haben ungleiche Längen. " & _
      "Verfahren kann nicht angewendet werden."
      Exit Function
      End If

      For i = 1 To Len(original)
      bCode = Asc(Mid(original, i, 1))
      bKey = Asc(Mid(skey, i, 1))
      bResult = bCode Xor bKey
      vernam_chiffre = vernam_chiffre & Chr(bResult)
      Next i

      End Function

      Nachteil is', dass key und original die selbe länge haben müssen, aber dafür ist dieses verfahren doch recht sicher.

      mehr als ein LIPPER kann der Mensch kaum werden! :)
      Hier hätte ich auch noch eine Möglichkeit:
      Hier funktioniert es auch mit Nachrichtenlänge <> Schlüssellänge:

      Visual Basic-Quellcode

      1. Public Function vernam_encrypt(plainText As String, key As String)
      2. Dim i As Long
      3. Dim j As Long
      4. Dim letter As String
      5. Dim letterIndex As Integer
      6. Dim keyIndex As Integer
      7. Dim cipherText As String
      8. j = 1
      9. For i = 1 To Len(plainText)
      10. letterIndex = Asc(Mid(plainText, i, 1))
      11. If Len(key) > j Then
      12. j = 1
      13. End If
      14. keyIndex = Asc(Mid(key, j, 1))
      15. j = j + 1
      16. letterIndex = letterIndex + keyIndex
      17. cipherText = cipherText + Chr(letterIndex)
      18. letterIndex = 0
      19. Next i
      20. vernam_encrypt = cipherText
      21. End Function
      22. Public Function vernam_decrypt(cipherText As String, key As String)
      23. Dim i As Long
      24. Dim j As Long
      25. Dim letter As String
      26. Dim letterIndex As Integer
      27. Dim keyIndex As Integer
      28. Dim plainText As String
      29. j = 1
      30. For i = 1 To Len(cipherText)
      31. letterIndex = Asc(Mid(cipherText, i, 1))
      32. If Len(key) > j Then
      33. j = 1
      34. End If
      35. keyIndex = Asc(Mid(key, j, 1))
      36. j = j + 1
      37. letterIndex = letterIndex - keyIndex
      38. plainText = plainText + Chr(letterIndex)
      39. letterIndex = 0
      40. Next i
      41. vernam_decrypt = plainText
      42. End Function

      Edit by Mad Andy:
      VB-Tag eingefügt

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Mad Andy“ ()

      Und hier noch der Vollständigkeit halber die Ver-/Entschlüsselungen für Caesar-Chiffre und Transposition:

      Visual Basic-Quellcode

      1. Public Function caesar_encrypt(plainText As String, key As Integer) As String
      2. Dim i As Long
      3. Dim letter As String
      4. Dim letterIndex As Integer
      5. Dim cipherText As String
      6. For i = 1 To Len(plainText)
      7. letterIndex = Asc(Mid(plainText, i, 1))
      8. letterIndex = letterIndex + key
      9. cipherText = cipherText + Chr(letterIndex)
      10. letterIndex = 0
      11. Next i
      12. caesar_encrypt = cipherText
      13. End Function
      14. Public Function caesar_decrypt(cipherText As String, key As Integer)
      15. Dim i As Long
      16. Dim letter As String
      17. Dim letterIndex As Integer
      18. Dim plainText As String
      19. For i = 1 To Len(cipherText)
      20. letterIndex = Asc(Mid(cipherText, i, 1))
      21. letterIndex = letterIndex - key
      22. plainText = plainText + Chr(letterIndex)
      23. letterIndex = 0
      24. Next i
      25. caesar_decrypt = plainText
      26. End Function
      27. Public Function trans_encrypt(plainText As String)
      28. Dim cipherText As String
      29. Dim nextSquareroot As Integer
      30. Dim plainTextIndex As Integer
      31. Dim i As Integer
      32. Dim j As Integer
      33. plainTextIndex = 1
      34. nextSquareroot = mod_main.get_next_squareroot(Len(plainText))
      35. 'MsgBox nextSquareroot
      36. ReDim square(nextSquareroot, nextSquareroot) As String
      37. If Len(plainText) / nextSquareroot <> Int(Len(plainText) / nextSquareroot) Then
      38. For i = 0 To nextSquareroot * nextSquareroot - Len(plainText)
      39. plainText = plainText + "X"
      40. Next i
      41. End If
      42. For j = 0 To nextSquareroot - 1
      43. For i = 0 To nextSquareroot - 1
      44. 'square(i, j) = "X"
      45. square(i, j) = Mid(plainText, plainTextIndex, 1)
      46. plainTextIndex = plainTextIndex + 1
      47. Next i
      48. Next j
      49. For i = 0 To nextSquareroot - 1
      50. For j = 0 To nextSquareroot - 1
      51. cipherText = cipherText + square(i, j)
      52. Next j
      53. Next i
      54. trans_encrypt = cipherText
      55. End Function
      56. Public Function trans_decrypt(cipherText As String)
      57. Dim plainText As String
      58. Dim squareroot As Integer
      59. Dim cipherTextIndex As Integer
      60. Dim i As Integer
      61. Dim j As Integer
      62. cipherTextIndex = 1
      63. squareroot = Math.Sqr(Len(cipherText))
      64. ReDim square(squareroot, squareroot) As String
      65. For j = 0 To squareroot - 1
      66. For i = 0 To squareroot - 1
      67. 'square(i, j) = "X"
      68. square(i, j) = Mid(cipherText, cipherTextIndex, 1)
      69. cipherTextIndex = cipherTextIndex + 1
      70. Next i
      71. Next j
      72. For i = 0 To squareroot - 1
      73. For j = 0 To squareroot - 1
      74. plainText = plainText + square(i, j)
      75. Next j
      76. Next i
      77. trans_decrypt = plainText
      78. End Function
      79. Public Function get_next_squareroot(number As Integer)
      80. Dim squaretest As Single
      81. Dim i As Integer
      82. For i = number To number * number
      83. squaretest = Math.Sqr(number)
      84. If squaretest = Int(squaretest) Then
      85. get_next_squareroot = squaretest
      86. Else: number = number + 1
      87. End If
      88. Next i
      89. End Function