Ich habe mal den A* Algorithmus in Excel mit VBA realisiert.
Ich denke es ist noch nicht perfekt, aber ich denke man kann damit arbeiten.
Und die Klasse "KoordPoint"
In A1 muss der Y-Wert des Startpunkts angegeben werden
In B1 muss der X-Wert des Startpunkts angegeben werden
In C1 muss der Y-Wert des Zielpunkts angegeben werden
In D1 muss der X-Wert des Zielpunkts angegeben werden
Außerdem muss man am Anfang des Scripts die Grenzen des Feldes angeben (hier beginnt das Feld bei B2 und ist 50x50 Felder groß)
Ich denke das Script lässt sich noch optimieren, oder?
Ich habe mal den A* Algorithmus in Excel mit VBA realisiert.
Ich denke es ist noch nicht perfekt, aber ich denke man kann damit arbeiten.
Visual Basic-Quellcode
- Option Explicit
- Dim StartPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim ZielPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim openlist As Collection
- Dim closedList As Collection
- Dim wks As Worksheet
- Dim minX As Integer
- Dim maxX As Integer
- Dim minY As Integer
- Dim maxY As Integer
- Public Sub calc_click()
- Set wks = Application.Worksheets(1)
- Set openlist = New Collection
- Set closedList = New Collection
- minX = 2
- maxX = 51
- minY = 2
- maxY = 51
- Set StartPoint = New KoordPoint
- If wks.Cells(1, 1) < minY Then
- StartPoint.setY (minY)
- ElseIf wks.Cells(1, 1) > maxY Then
- StartPoint.setY (maxY)
- Else
- StartPoint.setY (wks.Cells(1, 1))
- End If
- If wks.Cells(1, 2) < minX Then
- StartPoint.setX (minX)
- ElseIf wks.Cells(1, 2) > maxX Then
- StartPoint.setX (maxX)
- Else
- StartPoint.setX (wks.Cells(1, 2))
- End If
- StartPoint.setG (0)
- openlist.Add StartPoint
- Set ZielPoint = New KoordPoint
- If wks.Cells(1, 3) < minY Then
- ZielPoint.setY (minY)
- ElseIf wks.Cells(1, 3) > maxY Then
- ZielPoint.setY (maxY)
- Else
- ZielPoint.setY (wks.Cells(1, 3))
- End If
- If wks.Cells(1, 4) < minX Then
- ZielPoint.setX (minX)
- ElseIf wks.Cells(1, 4) > maxX Then
- ZielPoint.setX (maxX)
- Else
- ZielPoint.setX (wks.Cells(1, 4))
- End If
- Call prepare
- If FindPath Then
- Call PaintPath
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function FindPath() As Boolean
- Dim AktPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim x As Integer
- Dim y As Integer
- Dim index As Integer
- Dim runner As Integer
- Dim found As Boolean
- found = False
- Set AktPoint = openlist.Item(1)
- index = 1
- runner = 0
- Do
- j = openlist.Count
- For i = 1 To j
- If AktPoint Is Nothing = True Then
- Set AktPoint = openlist.Item(i)
- index = i
- ElseIf AktPoint.getF > openlist.Item(i).getF Then
- Set AktPoint = openlist.Item(i)
- index = i
- End If
- Next i
- openlist.Remove (index)
- closedList.Add AktPoint
- Call getNeighborPoints(AktPoint)
- Set AktPoint = Nothing
- If isZielInOpenList Then
- found = True
- Exit Do
- End If
- runner = runner + 1
- Loop While Not openlist.Count = 0 And runner < 1000
- FindPath = found
- End Function
- Private Function rateCosts(inX As Integer, inY As Integer) As Integer
- Dim costs As Integer
- Dim x As Integer
- Dim y As Integer
- x = inX
- y = inY
- costs = 0
- Do While (x > ZielPoint.getX())
- costs = costs + 10
- x = x - 1
- Loop
- Do While (x < ZielPoint.getX())
- costs = costs + 10
- x = x + 1
- Loop
- Do While (y > ZielPoint.getY())
- costs = costs + 10
- y = y - 1
- Loop
- Do While (y < ZielPoint.getY())
- costs = costs + 10
- y = y + 1
- Loop
- rateCosts = costs
- End Function
- Private Function calcCosts(PointA As KoordPoint, PointB As KoordPoint) As Double
- Dim costs As Double
- Dim ax As Integer
- Dim ay As Integer
- Dim bx As Integer
- Dim by As Integer
- costs = 0
- ax = PointA.getX()
- ay = PointA.getY()
- bx = PointB.getX()
- by = PointB.getY()
- Do While ax < bx And ay < by
- costs = costs + Sqr(20)
- ax = ax + 1
- ay = ay + 1
- Loop
- Do While ax > bx And ay > by
- costs = costs + Sqr(20)
- ax = ax - 1
- ay = ay - 1
- Loop
- Do While ax < bx And ay > by
- costs = costs + Sqr(20)
- ax = ax + 1
- ay = ay - 1
- Loop
- Do While ax > bx And ay < by
- costs = costs + Sqr(20)
- ax = ax - 1
- ay = ay + 1
- Loop
- Do While ax < bx
- costs = costs + 10
- ax = ax + 1
- Loop
- Do While ax > bx
- costs = costs + 10
- ax = ax - 1
- Loop
- Do While ay < by
- costs = costs + 10
- ay = ay + 1
- Loop
- Do While ay > by
- costs = costs + 10
- ay = ay - 1
- Loop
- calcCosts = costs
- End Function
- Private Function getNeighborPoints(AktPoint As KoordPoint)
- Dim startx As Integer
- Dim endx As Integer
- Dim starty As Integer
- Dim endy As Integer
- Dim x As Integer
- Dim y As Integer
- Dim NeighborPoint As KoordPoint
- startx = AktPoint.getX() - 1
- endx = AktPoint.getX() + 1
- starty = AktPoint.getY() - 1
- endy = AktPoint.getY() + 1
- If startx < minX Then
- startx = minX
- End If
- If starty < minY Then
- starty = minY
- End If
- If endx > maxX Then
- endx = maxX
- End If
- If endy > maxY Then
- endy = maxY
- End If
- For x = startx To endx
- For y = starty To endy
- 'If AktPoint.getX = 4 And AktPoint.getY = 3 Then
- ' Call canMoveDiagonal(AktPoint, x, y)
- 'End If
- If canMoveDiagonal(AktPoint, x, y) And Not isInClosedList(x, y) And Not wks.Cells(y, x).Value = "x" And (Not x = AktPoint.getX Or Not y = AktPoint.getY) Then
- Call paint(x, y, 6)
- Set NeighborPoint = New KoordPoint
- NeighborPoint.setX (x)
- NeighborPoint.setY (y)
- NeighborPoint.setParent AktPoint
- NeighborPoint.setH (rateCosts(x, y))
- NeighborPoint.setG (calcCosts(NeighborPoint, AktPoint) + AktPoint.getG())
- Call addToOpenList(NeighborPoint, AktPoint)
- Set NeighborPoint = Nothing
- Call paint(x, y, 5)
- End If
- Next y
- Next x
- End Function
- Private Function addToOpenList(checkPoint As KoordPoint, AktPoint As KoordPoint)
- Dim tmpPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim found As Boolean
- Dim index As Integer
- index = 0
- found = False
- For Each tmpPoint In openlist
- index = index + 1
- If tmpPoint.getX = checkPoint.getX And tmpPoint.getY = checkPoint.getY Then
- found = True
- If tmpPoint.getG > checkPoint.getG Then
- Call openlist.Add(checkPoint, , index)
- openlist.Remove (index + 1)
- End If
- End If
- Next
- If Not found Then
- index = 0
- For Each tmpPoint In closedList
- index = index + 1
- If tmpPoint.getX = checkPoint.getX And tmpPoint.getY = checkPoint.getY Then
- found = True
- If tmpPoint.getG > checkPoint.getG Then
- closedList.Add checkPoint, index, index, index - 1
- closedList.Remove index + 1
- End If
- End If
- Next
- End If
- If Not found Then
- openlist.Add checkPoint
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function paint(x As Integer, y As Integer, color As Integer)
- wks.Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = color
- End Function
- Private Function isInClosedList(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Boolean
- Dim tmpPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim found As Boolean
- found = False
- For Each tmpPoint In closedList
- If tmpPoint.getX = x And tmpPoint.getY = y Then
- found = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- isInClosedList = found
- End Function
- Private Function isZielInOpenList() As Boolean
- Dim tmpPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim found As Boolean
- found = False
- For Each tmpPoint In openlist
- If tmpPoint.getX = ZielPoint.getX And tmpPoint.getY = ZielPoint.getY Then
- found = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- isZielInOpenList = found
- End Function
- Private Function PaintPath()
- Dim tmpPoint As KoordPoint
- For Each tmpPoint In openlist
- If tmpPoint.getX = ZielPoint.getX And tmpPoint.getY = ZielPoint.getY Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Do While tmpPoint.getParent Is Nothing = False
- If tmpPoint.getX = ZielPoint.getX And tmpPoint.getY = ZielPoint.getY Then
- Call paint(tmpPoint.getX, tmpPoint.getY, 3)
- Else
- Call paint(tmpPoint.getX, tmpPoint.getY, 7)
- End If
- Set tmpPoint = tmpPoint.getParent
- Loop
- End Function
- Private Function canMoveDiagonal(inAktPoint As KoordPoint, inX As Integer, inY As Integer) As Boolean
- Dim ax As Integer
- Dim ay As Integer
- Dim bx As Integer
- Dim by As Integer
- Dim AktPoint As KoordPoint
- Dim tmp1 As Variant
- Dim tmp2 As Variant
- Dim erg As Boolean
- erg = True
- Set AktPoint = inAktPoint
- ax = AktPoint.getX
- ay = AktPoint.getY
- bx = inX
- by = inY
- tmp1 = wks.Cells(ay - 1, ax)
- tmp2 = wks.Cells(ay, ax - 1)
- If ax - 1 = bx And ay - 1 = by And (tmp1 = "x" Or tmp2 = "x") Then
- erg = False
- End If
- tmp1 = wks.Cells(ay + 1, ax)
- tmp2 = wks.Cells(ay, ax - 1)
- If ax - 1 = bx And ay + 1 = by And (tmp1 = "x" Or tmp2 = "x") Then
- erg = False
- End If
- tmp1 = wks.Cells(ay + 1, ax)
- tmp2 = wks.Cells(ay, ax + 1)
- If ax + 1 = bx And ay + 1 = by And (tmp1 = "x" Or tmp2 = "x") Then
- erg = False
- End If
- tmp1 = wks.Cells(ay - 1, ax)
- tmp2 = wks.Cells(ay, ax + 1)
- If ax + 1 = bx And ay - 1 = by And (tmp1 = "x" Or tmp2 = "x") Then
- erg = False
- End If
- canMoveDiagonal = erg
- End Function
- Private Function prepare()
- Dim x As Integer
- Dim y As Integer
- Dim tmp As String
- For x = minX To maxX
- For y = minY To maxY
- tmp = wks.Cells(y, x)
- If tmp = "x" Then
- wks.Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- ElseIf x = StartPoint.getX And y = StartPoint.getY Then
- wks.Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
- ElseIf x = ZielPoint.getX And y = ZielPoint.getY Then
- wks.Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
- Else
- wks.Cells(y, x).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- End If
- Next y
- Next x
- End Function
Und die Klasse "KoordPoint"
Visual Basic-Quellcode
- Option Explicit
- Private parent As KoordPoint
- Private x As Integer
- Private y As Integer
- Private g As Double
- Private h As Double
- Public Function setParent(inParent As KoordPoint)
- Set parent = inParent
- End Function
- Public Function getParent() As KoordPoint
- Set getParent = parent
- End Function
- Public Function setX(inX As Integer)
- x = inX
- End Function
- Public Function getX() As Integer
- getX = x
- End Function
- Public Function setY(inY As Integer)
- y = inY
- End Function
- Public Function getY() As Integer
- getY = y
- End Function
- Public Function setG(inG As Double)
- g = inG
- End Function
- Public Function getG() As Double
- getG = g
- End Function
- Public Function setH(inH As Double)
- h = inH
- End Function
- Public Function getH() As Double
- getH = h
- End Function
- Public Function getF() As Double
- getF = g + h
- End Function
In A1 muss der Y-Wert des Startpunkts angegeben werden
In B1 muss der X-Wert des Startpunkts angegeben werden
In C1 muss der Y-Wert des Zielpunkts angegeben werden
In D1 muss der X-Wert des Zielpunkts angegeben werden
Außerdem muss man am Anfang des Scripts die Grenzen des Feldes angeben (hier beginnt das Feld bei B2 und ist 50x50 Felder groß)
Ich denke das Script lässt sich noch optimieren, oder?