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    Boardnews ShowRoom

    05.01.12: Bibliotheken im Showroom - Klassendiagramm statt Screenshot

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    1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
    2. <doc>
    3. <assembly>
    4. <name>
    5. NTHLibrary
    6. </name>
    7. </assembly>
    8. <members>
    9. <member name="M:NTHLibrary.StringExtensions.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
    10. <summary>
    11. Checks if a string contains another string
    12. </summary>
    13. <param name="s">Source string</param>
    14. <param name="find">String to find</param>
    15. <param name="cmp">Compare option</param>
    16. <returns>TRUE if the find-string was found, FALSE if not</returns>
    17. <remarks>For whatever reason, Contains() lacks the possibility to
    18. define how to compare the string objects - like ignore case etc. This
    19. function simply maps the indexof function which DOES have this
    20. ability</remarks>
    21. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.StringExtensions.LevenshteinDistance(System.String,System.String)">
    22. <summary>
    23. Calculates the Levenshtein distance of two strings
    24. </summary>
    25. <param name="source">String 1</param>
    26. <param name="target">String 2</param>
    27. <returns>Levenshtein distance</returns>
    28. <remarks>C# sample ported to VB.Net
    29. Original:
    30. </remarks>
    31. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.StringExtensions">
    32. <summary>
    33. Extension methods for "String"
    34. </summary>
    35. <remarks></remarks>
    36. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IComparableExtensions.IsInGroup``1(``0,``0[])">
    37. <summary>
    38. Determines if an object/value is one of the other objects/values
    39. </summary>
    40. <typeparam name="T">Generic Type</typeparam>
    41. <param name="obj">Object/value to test</param>
    42. <param name="group">A bunch of objects</param>
    43. <returns>TRUE if obj is inside the group, FALSE if not.</returns>
    44. <remarks>This is just the reverse function to <c>If Something.Contains()</c></remarks>
    45. <overloads>Check if a value falls into a group</overloads>
    46. <see cref="!:Overload:NTHLibrary.IComparableExtensions.IsInGroup(T,IEnumerable(Of T)"/>
    47. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IComparableExtensions.IsInGroup``1(``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
    48. <summary>
    49. foo
    50. </summary>
    51. <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    52. <param name="obj"></param>
    53. <param name="l"></param>
    54. <returns></returns>
    55. <remarks></remarks>
    56. <see cref="!:Overload:NTHLibrary.IComparableExtensions.IsInGroup(T,IEnumerable(Of T)"/>
    57. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IComparableExtensions.IsInRange``1(``0,``0,``0)">
    58. <summary>
    59. Determines whether a value falls into a given range. Both boundaries are included.
    60. </summary>
    61. <typeparam name="T">Type of the value</typeparam>
    62. <param name="value">object to test</param>
    63. <param name="lowerboundary">lower boundary to test</param>
    64. <param name="upperboundbary">upper boundary to test</param>
    65. <returns>TRUE if the value falls into the given range. FALSE if not or
    66. if upperboundary is lower than lower boundary</returns>
    67. <remarks></remarks>
    68. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.IComparableExtensions">
    69. <summary>
    70. Extension methods that belong to IComparable
    71. </summary>
    72. <remarks></remarks>
    73. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.NamespaceDoc">
    74. <summary>
    75. The NTHLibrary is a compilation of some nice to have pieces of code ;)
    76. </summary>
    77. <remarks>tOdO</remarks>
    78. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.VariousExtensions.Assign``1(``0@,``0)">
    79. <summary>
    80. Assigns the given object to the original object and returns the new object
    81. </summary>
    82. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic Type</typeparam>
    83. <param name="oldVal">original object</param>
    84. <param name="newVal">new object</param>
    85. <returns>new value of original object</returns>
    86. <remarks></remarks>
    87. <example>
    88. <code lang="VB">
    89. Dim i As Integer = 1
    90. Dim j As Integer = 2
    91. If i.Assign(j) = 2 Then
    92. DoSomething()
    93. End If
    94. Dim s As New IO.StreamReader("myfile")
    95. Dim l As String = String.Empty
    96. While l.Assign(s.ReadLine).Length &gt; 0
    97. ' that means we can assign AND check in ONE simple instruction!
    98. End While
    99. </code>
    100. </example>
    101. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.VariousExtensions.Assign``1(``0@,``0,System.Predicate{``0})">
    102. <summary>
    103. Assigns the given object to the original object if <c>OnCondition()</c> returns <c>true</c> and returns the new object
    104. </summary>
    105. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic Type</typeparam>
    106. <param name="oldVal">original object</param>
    107. <param name="newVal">new object</param>
    108. <param name="OnCondition">A function that takes a single parameter of type <c>TSource</c> and returns a boolean</param>
    109. <returns>new value of original object</returns>
    110. <remarks></remarks>
    111. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.VariousExtensions.Swap``1(``0@,``0@)">
    112. <summary>
    113. Swaps the instance with the given object of the same type
    114. </summary>
    115. <typeparam name="TSource">generic type</typeparam>
    116. <param name="a">first object</param>
    117. <param name="b">second object</param>
    118. <returns>new value of instance</returns>
    119. <remarks>Swapping two values or objects isn't nuclear science, though it
    120. makes sense to have a handy little function that deals with it</remarks>
    121. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.VariousExtensions.IfNothing``1(``0@,``0)">
    122. <summary>
    123. Returns a defined value if the instance object is nothing (null in C#)
    124. </summary>
    125. <typeparam name="T">generic type</typeparam>
    126. <param name="o">instance object of type T</param>
    127. <param name="value">object of type T to return if o is nothing</param>
    128. <returns>o otherwise value if o is nothing</returns>
    129. <remarks>This is a kind of a shortcut function to avoid constructions like
    130. <code lang="VB">If Something Is Nothing Then Something = SomethingElse</code>
    131. Might be helpfull esp. in methods with optional parameters that default to nothing
    132. but have to be set to an instance inside the method</remarks>
    133. <code lang="VB">foo()</code>
    134. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.VariousExtensions">
    135. <summary>
    136. All extensions that did not fit somewhere else ;)
    137. </summary>
    138. <remarks>tOdO</remarks>
    139. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.NamespaceDoc">
    140. <summary>
    141. Everything that has to do with Pseudo Random Number Generators: PRNG
    142. </summary>
    143. <remarks>tOdO</remarks>
    144. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.Next">
    145. <summary>
    146. Returns a nonnegative random number.
    147. </summary>
    148. <returns>A 32-bit signed integer greater than or equal to zero and less than <c>system.int32.maxvalue</c></returns>
    149. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.Next(System.Int32)">
    150. <summary>
    151. Returns a nonnegative random number less than the specified maximum.
    152. </summary>
    153. <param name="maxValue">The exclusive upper bound of the random number to be generated. maxValue must be greater than or equal to zero. </param>
    154. <returns>A 32-bit signed integer greater than or equal to zero, and less than maxValue; that is, the range of return values ordinarily includes zero but not maxValue. However, if maxValue equals zero, maxValue is returned.</returns>
    155. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.Next(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
    156. <summary>
    157. Returns a random number within a specified range.
    158. </summary>
    159. <param name="minValue">The inclusive lower bound of the random number returned.</param>
    160. <param name="maxValue">The exclusive upper bound of the random number returned. maxValue must be greater than or equal to minValue.</param>
    161. <returns>A 32-bit signed integer greater than or equal to minValue and less than maxValue; that is, the range of return values includes minValue but not maxValue. If minValue equals maxValue, minValue is returned.</returns>
    162. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.NextBytes(System.Byte[])">
    163. <summary>
    164. Fills the elements of a specified array of bytes with random numbers.
    165. </summary>
    166. <param name="buffer">An array of bytes to contain random numbers.</param>
    167. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.NextDouble">
    168. <summary>
    169. Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
    170. </summary>
    171. <returns>
    172. A double-precision floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0.
    173. </returns>
    174. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.NextDoubleEx">
    175. <summary>
    176. Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
    177. </summary>
    178. <returns>
    179. A double-precision floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0.
    180. </returns>
    181. <remarks>This Method uses a more sophistacted way to generate a Double</remarks>
    182. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom.Warmup">
    183. <summary>
    184. tOdO
    185. </summary>
    186. <remarks>
    187. Some PRNG need to "warm up" before they deliver good and/or reliable values. Warming up
    188. in this case means to run a certain number of rounds and discarding the results.
    189. </remarks>
    190. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom">
    191. <summary>
    192. The IRandom interface.
    193. </summary>
    194. <remarks>tOdO</remarks>
    195. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.Next">
    196. <inheritdoc/>
    197. <threadsafety static="true" instance="true"></threadsafety>
    198. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.Next(System.Int32)">
    199. <inheritdoc/>
    200. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.Next(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
    201. <inheritdoc/>
    202. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.NextDouble">
    203. <inheritdoc/>
    204. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.NextDoubleEx">
    205. <inheritdoc/>
    206. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.NextBytes(System.Byte[])">
    207. <inheritdoc/>
    208. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault.Warmup">
    209. <inheritdoc/>
    210. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.SystemDefault">
    211. <summary>
    212. This class uses the system's default implementation of the PRNG
    213. </summary>
    214. <remarks>Internally a new instance of <c>System.Random</c> is used for any thread, thus making calls to methods threadsafe</remarks>
    215. </member><member name="P:NTHLibrary.My.Resources.Resources.ResourceManager">
    216. <summary>
    217. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
    218. </summary>
    219. </member><member name="P:NTHLibrary.My.Resources.Resources.Culture">
    220. <summary>
    221. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
    222. resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
    223. </summary>
    224. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.My.Resources.Resources">
    225. <summary>
    226. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
    227. </summary>
    228. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.ProcessExtensions.GetOwner(System.Diagnostics.Process)">
    229. <summary>
    230. Determines the owner of a certain process using WMI
    231. </summary>
    232. <param name="p">The process of which the owner should be determined</param>
    233. <returns>Ownername (including domain) as string</returns>
    234. <remarks>Original C# code: ""</remarks>
    235. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.Random``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Int32)">
    236. <summary>
    237. Returns an IEnumerable with <c>num</c> objects of <c>source</c> in random order
    238. </summary>
    239. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic type</typeparam>
    240. <param name="source">IEnumerable that contains the objects.</param>
    241. <param name="num">Number of objects to choose from source.</param>
    242. <returns>IEnumerable(Of TSource) in random order.</returns>
    243. <remarks></remarks>
    244. <threadsafety>A call to this method is threadsafe.</threadsafety>
    245. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.Random``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Int32,NTHLibrary.PseudoRNG.IRandom)">
    246. <summary>
    247. Returns an IEnumerable with <c>num</c> objects of <c>source</c> in random order.
    248. <c>rnd.Next()</c> is used to create the ordering.
    249. </summary>
    250. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic type</typeparam>
    251. <param name="source">IEnumerable that contains the objects.</param>
    252. <param name="num">Number of objects to choose from source.</param>
    253. <returns>IEnumerable(Of TSource) in random order.</returns>
    254. <remarks></remarks>
    255. <threadsafety>A call to this method is threadsafe, if <c>rnd.Next() is threadsafe.</c></threadsafety>
    256. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.Random``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
    257. <summary>
    258. Returns an IEnumerable with all objects of <c>source</c> in random order
    259. </summary>
    260. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic type</typeparam>
    261. <param name="source">IEnumerable that contains the objects.</param>
    262. <returns>IEnumerable(Of TSource) in random order.</returns>
    263. <remarks></remarks>
    264. <threadsafety>A call to this method is threadsafe.</threadsafety>
    265. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.RandomOrDefault``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
    266. <summary>
    267. Returns a random element of <c>source</c> or the default, if <c>source</c> is empty
    268. </summary>
    269. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic type</typeparam>
    270. <param name="source">IEnumerable that contains the objects.</param>
    271. <returns>A random element of <c>source</c></returns>
    272. <remarks></remarks>
    273. <threadsafety>A call to this method is threadsafe.</threadsafety>
    274. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.Shuffle``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0}@)">
    275. <summary>
    276. not implemented yet
    277. </summary>
    278. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic type</typeparam>
    279. <param name="source">IEnumerable that contains the objects.</param>
    280. <remarks>not implemented yet -&gt; should do the fisher yates shuffle in place</remarks>
    281. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.Backup``1(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.IO.Stream,System.Predicate{``0})">
    282. <summary>
    283. Backups the items of an <c>ICollection</c> to a <c>Stream</c>
    284. </summary>
    285. <typeparam name="TSource">Generic Type</typeparam>
    286. <param name="source">The ICollection that contains the items to backup</param>
    287. <param name="strm">Stream to store the items</param>
    288. <param name="OnCondition">Optional. If set, can be used to limit the items to be
    289. backuped to those that match the given condition function</param>
    290. <returns>The number of items backuped.</returns>
    291. <remarks>?</remarks>
    292. </member><member name="M:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions.Backup``1(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Byte[]@,System.Predicate{``0})">
    293. <inheritdoc cref="!:Backup(Of TSource)(ICollection(Of TSource), IO.Stream, Predicate(Of TSource)"/>
    294. <summary>
    295. Backups the items of an <c>ICollection</c> to a buffer
    296. </summary>
    297. <param name="buf">A buffer of Byte that takes the backuped items.</param>
    298. <remarks>?</remarks>
    299. </member><member name="T:NTHLibrary.IEnumerableExtensions">
    300. <summary>
    301. Extensions for IENumerable
    302. </summary>
    303. <remarks></remarks>
    304. </member>
    305. </members>
    306. </doc>

    Das ist zwar nicht gerade übersichtlich, aber aussageKRÄFTIGER als ein reines Klassendiagramm ist es allemal ...
    naja, ich denke mal, dass sich nur die wenigsten die mühe machen werden das alles zu lesen - ist ja doch recht kryptisch^^
    ich schätze es ist ausreichen eine auflistung zu machen, evtl noch die zu übergebenden werte aufzuschreiben

    ToString() as string
    GraphicsFromImage(byval img as bitmap) as graphics
    SaveToFile(byval Pfad as string)
    Auch, wenn es eine perfekte Beschreibung ist - das bezweifel' ich nicht - eine perfekte Beschreibung ist etwas anderes als eine Übersicht.

    Ich sehe gerade mein WPF-Buch vor mir. Das hat ~1200 Seiten. Eine perfekte Beschreibung. Aber für jemanden, der nur mal schnell wissen will, was für Vorteile WPF mit sich bringt und was generell bei WPF abgeht, ist das nicht das Richtige. Da reicht ein MSDN-Artikel.
    Von meinem iPhone gesendet
    Ich erwarte da eher was übersichtlicheres. Das XML-Konstrukt kann ja gerne noch zusätzlich gepostet werden.

    Es geht nur darum, dass man häufig absolut nicht weiß, was in der Bibliothek überhaupt drin steckt. Da steht dann nur "viele nützliche Funktionen".

    Eine simple Übersicht der Funktionsnamen würde schon reichen. Da kann man ja eigentlich alles wichtige rauslesen.
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