Control BinärUhr

    • VB.NET

    Es gibt 31 Antworten in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Cypress.

      So ich habe es endlich geschaft mir nen Image zu erstellen :)


      1. Protected Sub CreateColorImage(ByVal _g As Graphics, ByVal _Rect As Rectangle, ByVal _CenterColor As Color, ByVal _SurroundColor As Color())
      2. Dim m_GraphicsPath As New GraphicsPath
      3. m_GraphicsPath.AddEllipse(_Rect)
      4. Dim m_PGB As PathGradientBrush = New PathGradientBrush(m_GraphicsPath)
      5. m_PGB.CenterColor = _CenterColor
      6. m_PGB.SurroundColors = _SurroundColor
      7. m_PGB.CenterPoint = New Point(CInt(_Rect.Width / 2), CInt((_Rect.Height / 100) * 10))
      8. _g.FillEllipse(m_PGB, _Rect)
      9. End Sub
      Keep Calm And Color Your Life
      So hier mal mit Einbindung von meinem DrawCode

      Spoiler anzeigen


      1. Option Strict On
      2. Option Explicit On
      3. Imports System.Drawing
      4. Imports System.Windows.Forms
      5. Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
      6. Imports System.ComponentModel
      7. Public Class BinaryClock
      8. Inherits Control
      9. #Region " Instance variables "
      10. Protected m_BorderRadius As Single = 3
      11. Protected m_BorderColor As Color = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark
      12. Protected m_ColorTop As Color = SystemColors.ControlDark
      13. Protected m_ColorBottom As Color = SystemColors.ControlLight
      14. Protected m_Activated As Boolean = False
      15. Protected m_AllowDesignTimeAction As Boolean = False
      16. Protected m_TrueCenterColor As Color = Color.White
      17. Protected m_TrueSurroundColor As Color() = {Color.Green}
      18. Protected m_FalseCenterColor As Color = Color.White
      19. Protected m_FalseSurroundColor As Color() = {Color.Red}
      20. Public WithEvents m_Timer As New Timers.Timer With {.Interval = 1000}
      21. #End Region
      22. #Region " Initializing "
      23. Public Sub New()
      24. MyBase.New()
      25. MyBase.SetStyle(ControlStyles.CacheText Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)
      26. MyBase.UpdateStyles()
      27. With Me
      28. .Size = New Size(151, 75)
      29. .MinimumSize = New Size(.Width, .Height)
      30. .MaximumSize = New Size(.Width, .Height)
      31. End With
      32. End Sub
      33. #End Region
      34. #Region " Properties "
      35. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      36. <Description("Startet oder stoppt die Animation.")>
      37. Public Property Activated As Boolean
      38. Get
      39. Return m_Activated
      40. End Get
      41. Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
      42. m_Activated = value
      43. If m_Activated AndAlso ((Me.DesignMode AndAlso Me.AllowDesignTimeAction) OrElse Not Me.DesignMode) Then
      44. m_Timer.Start()
      45. Else
      46. m_Timer.Stop()
      47. End If
      48. Me.Invalidate()
      49. End Set
      50. End Property
      51. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      52. <Description("Gibt an, ob die Animation auch zur Designzeit aktiviert ist.")>
      53. Public Property AllowDesignTimeAction As Boolean
      54. Get
      55. Return m_AllowDesignTimeAction
      56. End Get
      57. Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
      58. m_AllowDesignTimeAction = value
      59. Me.Activated = Me.Activated
      60. End Set
      61. End Property
      62. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      63. <Description("Anfangsfarbe des Hintergrundfarbverlaufs.")>
      64. Public Property ColorTop As Color
      65. Get
      66. Return m_ColorTop
      67. End Get
      68. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      69. m_ColorTop = value
      70. Me.Invalidate()
      71. End Set
      72. End Property
      73. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      74. <Description("Endfarbe des Hintergrundfarbverlaufs.")>
      75. Public Property ColorBottom As Color
      76. Get
      77. Return m_ColorBottom
      78. End Get
      79. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      80. m_ColorBottom = value
      81. Me.Invalidate()
      82. End Set
      83. End Property
      84. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      85. <Description("Farbe des Rahmens.")>
      86. Public Property BorderColor As Color
      87. Get
      88. Return m_BorderColor
      89. End Get
      90. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      91. m_BorderColor = value
      92. Me.Invalidate()
      93. End Set
      94. End Property
      95. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      96. <Description("Centerfarbe vom True Image")>
      97. Public Property TrueCenterColor As Color
      98. Get
      99. Return m_TrueCenterColor
      100. End Get
      101. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      102. m_TrueCenterColor = value
      103. Me.Invalidate()
      104. End Set
      105. End Property
      106. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      107. <Description("Surroundfarbe vom True Image")>
      108. Public Property TrueSurroundColor As Color()
      109. Get
      110. Return m_TrueSurroundColor
      111. End Get
      112. Set(ByVal value As Color())
      113. m_TrueSurroundColor = value
      114. Me.Invalidate()
      115. End Set
      116. End Property
      117. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      118. <Description("Centerfarbe vom False Image")>
      119. Public Property FalseCenterColor As Color
      120. Get
      121. Return m_FalseCenterColor
      122. End Get
      123. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      124. m_FalseCenterColor = value
      125. Me.Invalidate()
      126. End Set
      127. End Property
      128. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      129. <Description("Surroundfarbe vom False Image")>
      130. Public Property FalseSurroundColor As Color()
      131. Get
      132. Return m_FalseSurroundColor
      133. End Get
      134. Set(ByVal value As Color())
      135. m_FalseSurroundColor = value
      136. Me.Invalidate()
      137. End Set
      138. End Property
      139. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      140. <Description("Radius der Abrundung des Rahmens in Pixel.")>
      141. Public Property BorderRadius As Single
      142. Get
      143. Return m_BorderRadius
      144. End Get
      145. Set(ByVal value As Single)
      146. m_BorderRadius = value
      147. Me.Invalidate()
      148. End Set
      149. End Property
      150. #End Region
      151. #Region " Eventhandler "
      152. Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(ByVal e As EventArgs)
      153. ' Größenänderung ignorieren
      154. ' MyBase.OnResize(e)
      155. End Sub
      156. Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
      157. MyBase.OnPaint(e)
      158. With e.Graphics
      159. .SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
      160. End With
      161. Dim m_r As Rectangle
      162. With e.ClipRectangle
      163. m_r = New Rectangle(0, 0, .Width - 1, .Height - 1)
      164. End With
      165. If m_r.Width = 0 OrElse m_r.Height = 0 Then
      166. Return
      167. End If
      168. Dim m_BoolList = GetBinaryValues(Now.Hour, Now.Minute, Now.Second)
      169. DrawFillRoundedRectangle(e.Graphics, m_r, Me.BorderRadius, Me.BorderColor, New LinearGradientBrush(m_r, Me.ColorTop, Me.ColorBottom, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
      170. Dim m_temp As Integer = 0
      171. For i As Integer = 0 To 2 Step 1
      172. For j As Integer = 0 To 5 Step 1
      173. Select Case m_BoolList(m_temp)
      174. Case True
      175. CreateColorImage(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(New Point(5 + ((j * 24) + (j * 1)), 5 + ((i * 24) + (i * 1))), _
      176. New Size(10, 10)), Me.TrueCenterColor, Me.TrueSurroundColor)
      177. Case False
      178. CreateColorImage(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(New Point(5 + ((j * 24) + (j * 1)), 5 + ((i * 24) + (i * 1))), _
      179. New Size(10, 10)), Me.FalseCenterColor, Me.FalseSurroundColor)
      180. End Select
      181. m_temp += 1
      182. Next
      183. Next
      184. End Sub
      185. Protected Sub m_Timer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles m_Timer.Elapsed
      186. Me.Invalidate()
      187. End Sub
      188. #End Region
      189. #Region " Supporting methods "
      190. Protected Sub DrawFillRoundedRectangle(ByVal _g As Graphics, ByVal _r As Rectangle, ByVal _radius As Single, ByVal _borderColor As Color, ByVal _fillBrush As Brush)
      191. Using m_path As GraphicsPath = FillRoundedRectanglePath(_r, _radius)
      192. With _g
      193. .FillPath(_fillBrush, m_path)
      194. .DrawPath(New Pen(_borderColor), m_path)
      195. End With
      196. End Using
      197. End Sub
      198. Protected Function FillRoundedRectanglePath(ByVal _Rect As RectangleF, ByVal _Radius As Single) As GraphicsPath
      199. Dim m_GraphicsPath As New GraphicsPath
      200. Dim m_DiaMeter As Single = 2 * _Radius
      201. With m_GraphicsPath
      202. If _Radius < 1 Then
      203. .AddRectangle(_Rect)
      204. Else
      205. .AddLine(_Rect.X + _Radius, _Rect.Y, _Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y)
      206. .AddArc(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 270, 90)
      207. .AddLine(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width, _Rect.Y + _Radius, _Rect.X + _Rect.Width, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter)
      208. .AddArc(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 0, 90)
      209. .AddLine(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height, _Rect.X + _Radius, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height)
      210. .AddArc(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 90, 90)
      211. .AddLine(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.X, _Rect.Y + _Radius)
      212. .AddArc(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 180, 90)
      213. End If
      214. .CloseFigure()
      215. End With
      216. Return m_GraphicsPath
      217. End Function
      218. Protected Function GetBinaryValues(ByVal _Hours As Integer, ByVal _Minutes As Integer, ByVal _Seconds As Integer) As List(Of Boolean)
      219. Dim m_Value As New List(Of Boolean)
      220. If _Hours < 12 And _Hours > 0 Then
      221. m_Value.Add(True)
      222. Else
      223. m_Value.Add(False)
      224. End If
      225. For i As Int32 = 0 To 2
      226. Dim m_temp As String = String.Empty
      227. Select Case i
      228. Case 0
      229. m_temp = Convert.ToString(_Hours, 2)
      230. For j As Integer = (4 - m_temp.Length) To 0 Step -1
      231. m_Value.Add(False)
      232. Next
      233. For j As Integer = 0 To m_temp.Length - 1 Step 1
      234. m_Value.Add(m_temp.Substring(j, 1) = "1")
      235. Next
      236. Case 1
      237. m_temp = Convert.ToString(_Minutes, 2)
      238. For j As Integer = (5 - m_temp.Length) To 0 Step -1
      239. m_Value.Add(False)
      240. Next
      241. For j As Integer = 0 To m_temp.Length - 1 Step 1
      242. m_Value.Add(m_temp.Substring(j, 1) = "1")
      243. Next
      244. Case 2
      245. m_temp = Convert.ToString(_Seconds, 2)
      246. For j As Integer = (5 - m_temp.Length) To 0 Step -1
      247. m_Value.Add(False)
      248. Next
      249. For j As Integer = 0 To m_temp.Length - 1 Step 1
      250. m_Value.Add(m_temp.Substring(j, 1) = "1")
      251. Next
      252. End Select
      253. Next
      254. Return m_Value
      255. End Function
      256. Protected Sub CreateColorImage(ByVal _G As Graphics, ByVal _Rect As Rectangle, ByVal _CenterColor As Color, ByVal _SurroundColor As Color())
      257. Dim m_GraphicsPath As New GraphicsPath
      258. m_GraphicsPath.AddEllipse(_Rect)
      259. Dim m_PGB As PathGradientBrush = New PathGradientBrush(m_GraphicsPath)
      260. m_PGB.CenterColor = _CenterColor
      261. m_PGB.SurroundColors = _SurroundColor
      262. m_PGB.CenterPoint = New Point(_Rect.X + CInt(_Rect.Width / 2), _Rect.Y + CInt(_Rect.Height / 3))
      263. _G.FillEllipse(m_PGB, _Rect)
      264. m_GraphicsPath.Dispose()
      265. End Sub
      266. #End Region
      267. End Class

      Jetzt fehlt mir nurnoch die Resize Methode, sprich
      -True/False Bilder werden Größer,Kleiner...
      -True/False Bilder verschieben sich gleichmäßig...

      Na das kann ja noch was werden :D

      Keep Calm And Color Your Life

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Cypress“ ()

      In AllowDesignTimeAction()

      Cypress schrieb:


      1. Me.Activated = Me.Activated
      Soll das Me.Invalidate() heißen?
      Falls Du diesen Code kopierst, achte auf die C&P-Bremse.
      Jede einzelne Zeile Deines Programms, die Du nicht explizit getestet hast, ist falsch :!:
      Ein guter .NET-Snippetkonverter (der ist verfügbar).
      Programmierfragen über PN / Konversation werden ignoriert!

      Cypress schrieb:

      ein Verweis auf die Property
      Dann würde ich da genau solch Kommentar reinschreiben, damit unsereiner in einem halben Jahr nicht den Grübelzwang kriegt. :D
      Falls Du diesen Code kopierst, achte auf die C&P-Bremse.
      Jede einzelne Zeile Deines Programms, die Du nicht explizit getestet hast, ist falsch :!:
      Ein guter .NET-Snippetkonverter (der ist verfügbar).
      Programmierfragen über PN / Konversation werden ignoriert!
      Sehr hübsch geworden.
      Und ja, da muss einiges in Protected Overrides OnResize(...) geschehen. Ich würde dort die Abmessungen bestimmen, die Du dann in den Zeilen 199 ff von Post#23 brauchst.
      Das könnte eine mögliche Lösung sein:
      Spoiler anzeigen


      1. Option Strict On
      2. Option Explicit On
      3. Imports System.Drawing
      4. Imports System.Windows.Forms
      5. Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
      6. Imports System.ComponentModel
      7. Public Class BinaryClockControl
      8. Inherits Control
      9. #Region " Instance variables "
      10. Protected m_BorderRadius As Single = 3
      11. Protected m_BorderColor As Color = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark
      12. Protected m_ColorTop As Color = SystemColors.ControlDark
      13. Protected m_ColorBottom As Color = SystemColors.ControlLight
      14. Protected m_Activated As Boolean = False
      15. Protected m_AllowDesignTimeAction As Boolean = False
      16. Protected m_TrueCenterColor As Color = Color.White
      17. Protected m_TrueSurroundColor As Color() = {Color.Green}
      18. Protected m_FalseCenterColor As Color = Color.White
      19. Protected m_FalseSurroundColor As Color() = {Color.Red}
      20. Public WithEvents m_Timer As New Timers.Timer With {.Interval = 1000}
      21. Protected m_OriginalWidth As Int32 = 151
      22. Protected m_OriginalHeight As Int32 = 75
      23. Protected m_Padding As Padding = New Padding(7)
      24. Protected m_FactorX As Single = 1.0
      25. Protected m_FactorY As Single = 1.0
      26. #End Region
      27. #Region " Initializing "
      28. Public Sub New()
      29. MyBase.New()
      30. MyBase.SetStyle(ControlStyles.CacheText Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)
      31. MyBase.UpdateStyles()
      32. With Me
      33. .Size = New Size(m_OriginalWidth, m_OriginalHeight)
      34. .MinimumSize = .Size
      35. '.MaximumSize = New Size(.Width, .Height)
      36. End With
      37. End Sub
      38. #End Region
      39. #Region " Properties "
      40. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      41. <Description("Setzt den Linken und oberen Abstand der Zeitzeichen.")>
      42. Public Overloads Property Padding As Padding
      43. Get
      44. Return m_Padding
      45. End Get
      46. Set(value As Padding)
      47. m_Padding = value
      48. Me.Invalidate()
      49. End Set
      50. End Property
      51. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      52. <Description("Startet oder stoppt die Animation.")>
      53. Public Property Activated As Boolean
      54. Get
      55. Return m_Activated
      56. End Get
      57. Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
      58. m_Activated = value
      59. If m_Activated AndAlso ((Me.DesignMode AndAlso Me.AllowDesignTimeAction) OrElse Not Me.DesignMode) Then
      60. m_Timer.Start()
      61. Else
      62. m_Timer.Stop()
      63. End If
      64. Me.Invalidate()
      65. End Set
      66. End Property
      67. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      68. <Description("Gibt an, ob die Animation auch zur Designzeit aktiviert ist.")>
      69. Public Property AllowDesignTimeAction As Boolean
      70. Get
      71. Return m_AllowDesignTimeAction
      72. End Get
      73. Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
      74. m_AllowDesignTimeAction = value
      75. Me.Activated = Me.Activated
      76. End Set
      77. End Property
      78. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      79. <Description("Anfangsfarbe des Hintergrundfarbverlaufs.")>
      80. Public Property ColorTop As Color
      81. Get
      82. Return m_ColorTop
      83. End Get
      84. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      85. m_ColorTop = value
      86. Me.Invalidate()
      87. End Set
      88. End Property
      89. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      90. <Description("Endfarbe des Hintergrundfarbverlaufs.")>
      91. Public Property ColorBottom As Color
      92. Get
      93. Return m_ColorBottom
      94. End Get
      95. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      96. m_ColorBottom = value
      97. Me.Invalidate()
      98. End Set
      99. End Property
      100. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      101. <Description("Farbe des Rahmens.")>
      102. Public Property BorderColor As Color
      103. Get
      104. Return m_BorderColor
      105. End Get
      106. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      107. m_BorderColor = value
      108. Me.Invalidate()
      109. End Set
      110. End Property
      111. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      112. <Description("Centerfarbe vom True Image")>
      113. Public Property TrueCenterColor As Color
      114. Get
      115. Return m_TrueCenterColor
      116. End Get
      117. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      118. m_TrueCenterColor = value
      119. Me.Invalidate()
      120. End Set
      121. End Property
      122. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      123. <Description("Surroundfarbe vom True Image")>
      124. Public Property TrueSurroundColor As Color()
      125. Get
      126. Return m_TrueSurroundColor
      127. End Get
      128. Set(ByVal value As Color())
      129. m_TrueSurroundColor = value
      130. Me.Invalidate()
      131. End Set
      132. End Property
      133. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      134. <Description("Centerfarbe vom False Image")>
      135. Public Property FalseCenterColor As Color
      136. Get
      137. Return m_FalseCenterColor
      138. End Get
      139. Set(ByVal value As Color)
      140. m_FalseCenterColor = value
      141. Me.Invalidate()
      142. End Set
      143. End Property
      144. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      145. <Description("Surroundfarbe vom False Image")>
      146. Public Property FalseSurroundColor As Color()
      147. Get
      148. Return m_FalseSurroundColor
      149. End Get
      150. Set(ByVal value As Color())
      151. m_FalseSurroundColor = value
      152. Me.Invalidate()
      153. End Set
      154. End Property
      155. <Category("BinaryClock")>
      156. <Description("Radius der Abrundung des Rahmens in Pixel.")>
      157. Public Property BorderRadius As Single
      158. Get
      159. Return m_BorderRadius
      160. End Get
      161. Set(ByVal value As Single)
      162. m_BorderRadius = value
      163. Me.Invalidate()
      164. End Set
      165. End Property
      166. #End Region
      167. #Region " Eventhandler "
      168. Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(ByVal e As EventArgs)
      169. ' Größenänderung ignorieren
      170. MyBase.OnResize(e)
      171. Me.m_FactorX = CSng(Me.Width / m_OriginalWidth)
      172. Me.m_FactorY = CSng(Me.Height / m_OriginalHeight)
      173. End Sub
      174. Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
      175. MyBase.OnPaint(e)
      176. With e.Graphics
      177. .SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
      178. End With
      179. Dim m_r As Rectangle
      180. With e.ClipRectangle
      181. m_r = New Rectangle(0, 0, .Width - 1, .Height - 1)
      182. End With
      183. If m_r.Width = 0 OrElse m_r.Height = 0 Then
      184. Return
      185. End If
      186. Dim m_BoolList = GetBinaryValues(Now.Hour, Now.Minute, Now.Second)
      187. DrawFillRoundedRectangle(e.Graphics, m_r, Me.BorderRadius, Me.BorderColor, New LinearGradientBrush(m_r, Me.ColorTop, Me.ColorBottom, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
      188. Dim m_temp As Integer = 0
      189. Dim m_CenterColor As Color = Nothing
      190. Dim m_SurroundColors() As Color = Nothing
      191. For Zeile As Integer = 0 To 2 Step 1
      192. For Spalte As Integer = 0 To 5 Step 1
      193. Select Case m_BoolList(m_temp)
      194. Case True
      195. m_CenterColor = Me.TrueCenterColor
      196. m_SurroundColors = Me.TrueSurroundColor
      197. Case False
      198. m_CenterColor = Me.FalseCenterColor
      199. m_SurroundColors = Me.FalseSurroundColor
      200. End Select
      201. CreateColorImage(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(New Point(CInt(Me.Padding.Left * m_FactorX + Spalte * 24 * m_FactorX + Spalte * m_FactorX),
      202. CInt(Me.Padding.Top * m_FactorY + Zeile * 24 * m_FactorY + Zeile * m_FactorY)), New Size(CInt(10 * m_FactorX), CInt(10 * m_FactorY))), m_CenterColor, m_SurroundColors)
      203. m_temp += 1
      204. Next
      205. Next
      206. End Sub
      207. Protected Sub m_Timer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles m_Timer.Elapsed
      208. Me.Invalidate()
      209. End Sub
      210. #End Region
      211. #Region " Supporting methods "
      212. Protected Sub DrawFillRoundedRectangle(ByVal _g As Graphics, ByVal _r As Rectangle, ByVal _radius As Single, ByVal _borderColor As Color, ByVal _fillBrush As Brush)
      213. Using m_path As GraphicsPath = FillRoundedRectanglePath(_r, _radius)
      214. With _g
      215. .FillPath(_fillBrush, m_path)
      216. .DrawPath(New Pen(_borderColor), m_path)
      217. End With
      218. End Using
      219. End Sub
      220. Protected Function FillRoundedRectanglePath(ByVal _Rect As RectangleF, ByVal _Radius As Single) As GraphicsPath
      221. Dim m_GraphicsPath As New GraphicsPath
      222. Dim m_DiaMeter As Single = 2 * _Radius
      223. With m_GraphicsPath
      224. If _Radius < 1 Then
      225. .AddRectangle(_Rect)
      226. Else
      227. .AddLine(_Rect.X + _Radius, _Rect.Y, _Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y)
      228. .AddArc(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 270, 90)
      229. .AddLine(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width, _Rect.Y + _Radius, _Rect.X + _Rect.Width, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter)
      230. .AddArc(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 0, 90)
      231. .AddLine(_Rect.X + _Rect.Width - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height, _Rect.X + _Radius, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height)
      232. .AddArc(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 90, 90)
      233. .AddLine(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y + _Rect.Height - m_DiaMeter, _Rect.X, _Rect.Y + _Radius)
      234. .AddArc(_Rect.X, _Rect.Y, m_DiaMeter, m_DiaMeter, 180, 90)
      235. End If
      236. .CloseFigure()
      237. End With
      238. Return m_GraphicsPath
      239. End Function
      240. Protected Function GetBinaryValues(ByVal _Hours As Integer, ByVal _Minutes As Integer, ByVal _Seconds As Integer) As List(Of Boolean)
      241. Dim m_Value As New List(Of Boolean)
      242. If _Hours < 12 And _Hours > 0 Then
      243. m_Value.Add(True)
      244. Else
      245. m_Value.Add(False)
      246. End If
      247. For i As Int32 = 0 To 2
      248. Dim m_temp As String = String.Empty
      249. Select Case i
      250. Case 0
      251. m_temp = Convert.ToString(_Hours, 2)
      252. For j As Integer = (4 - m_temp.Length) To 0 Step -1
      253. m_Value.Add(False)
      254. Next
      255. For j As Integer = 0 To m_temp.Length - 1 Step 1
      256. m_Value.Add(m_temp.Substring(j, 1) = "1")
      257. Next
      258. Case 1
      259. m_temp = Convert.ToString(_Minutes, 2)
      260. For j As Integer = (5 - m_temp.Length) To 0 Step -1
      261. m_Value.Add(False)
      262. Next
      263. For j As Integer = 0 To m_temp.Length - 1 Step 1
      264. m_Value.Add(m_temp.Substring(j, 1) = "1")
      265. Next
      266. Case 2
      267. m_temp = Convert.ToString(_Seconds, 2)
      268. For j As Integer = (5 - m_temp.Length) To 0 Step -1
      269. m_Value.Add(False)
      270. Next
      271. For j As Integer = 0 To m_temp.Length - 1 Step 1
      272. m_Value.Add(m_temp.Substring(j, 1) = "1")
      273. Next
      274. End Select
      275. Next
      276. Return m_Value
      277. End Function
      278. Protected Sub CreateColorImage(ByVal _G As Graphics, ByVal _Rect As Rectangle, ByVal _CenterColor As Color, ByVal _SurroundColor As Color())
      279. Dim m_GraphicsPath As New GraphicsPath
      280. m_GraphicsPath.AddEllipse(_Rect)
      281. Dim m_PGB As PathGradientBrush = New PathGradientBrush(m_GraphicsPath)
      282. m_PGB.CenterColor = _CenterColor
      283. m_PGB.SurroundColors = _SurroundColor
      284. m_PGB.CenterPoint = New Point(_Rect.X + CInt(_Rect.Width / 2), _Rect.Y + CInt(_Rect.Height / 3))
      285. _G.FillEllipse(m_PGB, _Rect)
      286. m_GraphicsPath.Dispose()
      287. End Sub
      288. #End Region
      289. End Class